| 1. | He stands with arms akimbo . 他双手叉腰立着。 |
| 2. | She lay on her back, with arms stretched in utter weakness by her sides . 她仰面躺着,两只手臂完全无力地摆在身旁。 |
| 3. | Some three or four hundred men were furnished with arms and from time to time were drilled in secret . 有三四百个人给配备了武器,常常秘密操练。 |
| 4. | With these brave words in his mouth he dropped suddenly with arms and legs all weak . 这豪言壮语还没有完全说出口,他突然感到手足无力,软弱地弯下身子。 |
| 5. | I ordered friday also, who i had made an excellent marksman with his gun, to load himself with arms . 我命令星期五把他自己武装起来,我现在已经把他训练成一个很高明的射手。 |
| 6. | Commander and pilot could sit back in their seats with arms folded, because the landing is entirely automatic . 机长和驾驶员这时尽可以靠在椅子上坐享其成,因为着陆动作完全是自动的。 |
| 7. | Meanwhile, the officer, erect and motionless, with arms crossed, attentively followed the soldier's steps . 这时,军官立得笔直,一动也不动,双臂交叉,聚精会神地看着士兵的每一个动作。 |
| 8. | Then he was down, rolling over and over in the warm sand, crouching with arm up to ward off, trying to cry for mercy . 然后他翻了下去,在暖乎乎的沙滩上滚呀滚呀、蜷曲着身子,双臂举起保护头部,想要大声讨饶。 |
| 9. | We can ' t have a shoot - out with armed guards . we ' d lose 装甲车不怕子弹的,我们输定了 |
| 10. | He stood in front of the shop with arms akimbo 他两手叉腰,站在铺子前。 |